13-21 September 2025
Ars Sacra Festival  •  film festival  •  contact huen


Ars Sacra Festival | 2021 | #exhibition
06-10. September 2021 | 8:00-18:30
D18 Bookstore and Café
1066 Budapest, Dessewffy utca 18-20. | map
Beyond capturing the creation of the altarpiece titled “The Supper at Emmaus”, the pictures of the exhibition reveal the inner journey made by the painter. The photographs were taken by Gyula Czimbal about Gábor Lajta while painting the altarpiece for the church of the Lutheran Congregation in the town of Dombóvár.

4 September 2021 szombat | 17:00-18:30
Exhibition Opening

The exhibition opening features Anna Szabó playing the harp
Rímrémek és porzó prózák
7 September 2021
Budapest, 5. district
Lantok az oltáron
10 September 2021
Budapest, 6. district
Palestrina: Missa de Beata Virgine - szentmise, Oltáriszentség vesperás
8 September 2021
Budapest, 6. district
Időtlen szépség - a hárfa története az ókortól napjainkig
11 September 2021
Budapest, 6. district
Mi dolgunk a világon? - Vörösmarty est
10 September 2021
Budapest, 6. district
#theatre, dance
Ars Sacra FoundationOnline program registration