14-22 September 2024 „The fruit of that righteousness will be peace” (Is 32,17)
Ars Sacra Festival  •  film festival  •  contact huen

The Heritage of Saint Stephen

Ars Sacra Festival | 2021 | #exhibition
04-08. September 2021 | 10:00-18:00
9 September 2021 | 10:00-15:00
10-12. September 2021 | 10:00-18:00
St. Stephen’s Basilica, Undercroft
1051 Budapest, Szent István tér 1. | map
The interdisciplinary art exhibition encompasses 52 artists from the most prominent Hungarian Christian artists all over the Carpathian Basin and from the Motherland, based on a selective tender. The exhibition shows our Christian cultural values and legacy of more than 1000 years through contemporary Hungarian artwork.

7 September 2021 kedd | 6:00 pm
Exhibition Opening
Józsa Judit
More pictures
Symbol of the Exhibition
Kokas Táncegyüttes
4 September 2021
Budapest, 5. district
#theatre, dance
Kövek közé virágot - képzőművészeti kiállítás Zsombori Erzsébet és Mayer Hella festményeiből
4 September 2021
Budapest, 5. district
"Piarista szabadulóépület"
4 September 2021
Budapest, 5. district
#events for kids
Reneszánsz Furulya Napok
9 September 2021
Budapest, 5. district
„Minden forrásom belőled fakad!” - A II. Neszmélyi Keresztény Alkotótábor tárlata
6 September 2021
Budapest, 5. district
Budapest Klarinét Kvartett
5 September 2021
Budapest, 5. district
Ars Sacra FoundationOnline program registration