14-22 September 2024 „The fruit of that righteousness will be peace” (Is 32,17)
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Eucharist - The Holiness of Friendship

Ars Sacra Festival | 2021 | #spiritual
6 September 2021 | 9:00 am
6 September 2021 | 4:00 pm
6 September 2021 | 6:00 pm
6 September 2021 | 6:45 pm
6 September 2021 | 8:30 pm
House of Dialogue and Sacred Heart Church
1085 Budapest, Horánszky utca 20. | map
Jesus instituted the holiness of the Eucharist in the company of the community of his friends during a festive dinner. It can be noted that the Eucharist is the holiness of friendship: makes friendship with Jesus and each other stronger, deeper. We invite you to experience these secrets on 6th September in the Sacred Heart Jesuit Church.

9:00 am
Meditative bread baking with sisters
4:00 pm
Meditative dances with monks
6:00 pm
Book launch: Zoltán Koronkai SJ, Eucharist: The Holiness of Friendship
Recently a book was published under the title “Eucharist: The Holiness of Friendship”. Among other topics, we discuss with author Zoltán Koronkai, a Jesuit, what all this means. How is the dimension of friendship present in the Eucharist? What consequences can these have for our spiritual life?
6:45 pm
8:30 pm
Holy Mass in the Sacred Heart Church
An extraordinary “Jesuit mass for the young”. IEC mass at 8:00 PM. Candlelight, more silence than usual, surrounded by adoration, accompanied by beautiful, pure music.
Szerzetesi Iroda
Egy este szerzetesekkel
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The whispering of nature through the voice of God
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Ars Sacra FoundationOnline program registration