14-22 September 2024 „The fruit of that righteousness will be peace” (Is 32,17)
Ars Sacra Festival  •  film festival  •  contact huen

Conversations with Missionaries from Abroad

Ars Sacra Festival | 2021 | #presentation
6 September 2021 | 7:00 pm
“Háló” Community and Cultural Centre – S4
1052 Budapest, Semmelweis utca 4. | map
They have arrived from far afield and have proclaimed the Gospel in Hungary for many years. A true international roundtable discussion with a Brazilian from the Divine Word Missionary, a Vietnamese Salesian, a Spanish numerary serving in Opus Dei and the Brazilian leader of the Hungarian Shalom community. Come join us!
Discovering Budapest
4 September 2021
Budapest, 5. district
Rímrémek és porzó prózák
7 September 2021
Budapest, 5. district
A harmadik napon - monodráma a megbocsátásról
10 September 2021
Budapest, 5. district
#theatre, dance
Egy este szerzetesekkel
8 September 2021
Budapest, 5. district
Albinoni - komolyzenei koncert
4 September 2021
Budapest, 5. district
Debussy előtt tiszteleg a Nagy János Trió
9 September 2021
Budapest, 5. district
Ars Sacra FoundationOnline program registration